We understand that life challenges can hit when we least expect them and we’re left with no choice but to reach out for support. But from a young age, we’re often taught that your problems are yours and yours alone – an idea that makes it challenging for people to feel comfortable asking for help. We know that taking the first step is the hardest, and that’s we want to celebrate those who’ve managed to call us for assistance. Take a look at some of our community members who’ve taken steps down their path to possible:


Ms. Mary (March 2020)

“Without Guardian Angel, I don’t know what many people in this community would do.” – Ms. Mary

Ms. Mary was first introduced to Guardian Angel when her son was first born in 1976. Now, years later, she has found herself having to take her first steps toward gaining stability for the grandson she’s raising. Being able to rely on the partner-choice food pantry during hard times, means Ms. Mary’s family didn’t have to go hungry. Recently, she was even able to prepare a special birthday meal for her grandson, using items from the food pantry. We are grateful to be there for our fellow community members like Ms. Mary in their times of need.


Ms. Ashley (Feb. 2020)

“It was not easy to ask for help, but I needed to make sure my children had food to eat.” – Ms. Ashley


As a mother of four with number five on the way, Ms. Ashley is thankful she’s been able to call on Guardian Angel’s services in her time of need. She’s still working toward total stability, and is currently using our food pantry and offered rental and utility assistance. Having access to the food pantry has allowed her peace of mind, knowing that there is food in her growing household. Beyond these services, she also uses the computer lab to look up helpful information about autism, which her son was recently diagnosed with. Eventually, Ms. Ashley would like to start a ministry to help other parents of children with autism, in order to become a positive fixture for her community, just like Guardian Angel. We’re proud of Ms. Ashley for taking these important first steps in creating something so necessary and important for her community!


Ms. Deborah (Jan. 2020)

“When you have faith, all is taken care of.” – Ms. Deborah

After bringing her daughter to our food pantry for assistance last year, Ms. Deborah decided to come to Guardian Angel to get help for herself. After her appointment, she received an emergency bag and now knows she can rely on Guardian Angel for support during challenging times. For Ms. Deborah, reaching out for help was the first step in working her way toward stability. We are honored to have been there for her and her family in their time of need.


Ms. Judy (July 2019)

“This computer lab helped me get a job.” – Ms. Judy

Using our computer lab, Ms. Judy was able to take the first step toward regaining stability. The next steps on her path to possible were updating her resume, browsing job opportunities online, and filling out applications. Using these helpful resources, she was able to land a job to continue supporting herself!