(as of 2/1/2019)

Mr. and Mrs. Tom & Jane Akers
Ms. Jackie Akins
Ameren Corporation Charitable Trust
Ms. Judith A. Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Brett & Katherine Begemann
Mr. Nick Bhambri
Mr. and Mrs. Joe & Marcella Bloom
Ms. Elizabeth Borow
Mr. and Mrs. Tom & Michelle Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine & Jessica Brandon
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence & Tamarah Brownlee
Mr. and Mrs. Sonny & Michaela Burnside
Mr. Alan Buxbaum
Mr. Scott Carver
Mr. and Mrs. James & Christine Cocayne
Mr. and Mrs. Tom & Betty Conley
Ms. Elizabeth Conroy and Ms. Elizabeth Stelmach
The Dana Brown Charitable Trust
The Daughters of Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew & Lynn Davis
Ms. Deborah Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian & Barbara Degnan
Mr. Stephen K. Degnan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter & Ellen Wyatt Dunne
Ms. Wendy Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert & Audrey Ebel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert & Marlene Ebel
Edward Jones
Emerson Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde & Phyllis Farris
Ms. Julaine Florence
Footwear Unlimited
Mr. Victor Franklin
Mr. Spencer Galloway and Mr. Michael Gruen
Ms. Leslie Grace
Mr. Mike Graham
Dr. Mahendra Gupta
Ms. Lana Hagan
Ms. Anne Hager
Mr. and Mrs. Dave & Lynne Heger
Mr. and Mrs. John & Debra Herber
Mr. and Mrs. Philip & Teresa Hess
Mr. Adam Hickey
Mr. and Mrs. Bill & Amy Hinderer
Mr. and Mrs. Terry & Linda Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason & Rebecca Hudnall
Mr. Michael Jacobs
Jesuit Fathers
Mr. Jackson Kern
Ms. Marcia King
Knights of Columbus – Council # 11139
Knights of Columbus – Council #12323
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald & Chris Langhorne
Mr. Matthew LeDuc and Dr. Amy Bauernfeind
Mr. Gary Le’Roi
The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation
Ms. Amanda McClerren and Mr. Matt Letchworth
Mr. Chris McDermott
Ms. Shadije Mehmetaj
Ms. Frances Milsk
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron & Jamie Mottern
Nestlé Purina PetCare Company
The Norman J. Stupp Foundation-Commerce Trust Company, Trustee
Mr. and Mrs. Tom & Janet O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter & Tara Oglesby
Ms. Charlotte Pagano
Mr. Mike Perry and HBD Construction
Mr. James Petersen
Mr. Timothy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Sasha & Mary Preuss
Dr. and Mrs. Asim & Luz Razzaq
Br. Bill Rehg, S.J.
Sr. Louise Roseman, D.C.
Sacred Heart Jesuit Community
Ms. Cynthia Sale
Ms. Mary Schmalz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim & Sheila Schnurbusch
Mr. and Mrs. Dave & Wilma Schopp
Ms. Kathleen Schweich
Strenia Fitness LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ken & Kathi Tacony
Ms. Marjorie Talcoff
Mr. Charles Tammons
Ms. Ingrid Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael & Michelle Todt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard & Kathleen Valenta
Mr. and Mrs. John & Theresa Vella
Ms. Katrina Vincent
Ms. Kathy Watkins and Ms. Ann Jones
Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale & Linda Whitten
Mrs. and Mrs. Katherine & Lori Williams
Ms. Marlene Wolff
Ms. Roberta Woods